Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

The Importance of The Role of The Director in a Film

Hi I'm Indra Negara, Do you know the importance of the role of the director in a film ?. ok Today i want posting about The Importance of The Role of The Director in a Film. Ok here we go.

Maybe for some people the explenation of director is very simple, that is as a movie maker.
The director also was the one who first mentioned when the film is good or not, for example: "this is a nice movie, who's the director?" Or "this movie is awesome, the director who made this film is very great".
But it was not that easy, I find and learn some the explanation of director, there is some sense directors include:

1. The director is a profession that is carried by a responsible person fully professionally in carrying out a process of production / broadcasting television package with extensive knowledge capabilities, creative, imaginative, interpretiv, inovative, in the work and useful for others and himself.

2. According to Don Livingston: The ability of a good director is the result of experience and talent that may not be described.

3. According to Hamzah A. and Ananda S.: The director is the person who gave direction and is responsible for the artistic and technical problems (if in the theater).

Whatever the conclusion, the director is the person responsible for the work in the form of performance audio / visual that has the vision and mission is to be conveyed is technically / artistically through the media positively considered beneficial for many audiences or for himself.

Some term director:
1. Director (Film & Television)
2. Steering Events (Television)
3. Program Director (Television)
4. Producer Director (Television & Film)

Directing Director

The director has a duty and a heavy responsibility. The field acts as a manager of a director, creator, and also the inspiration for the members of the production team and the cast. Such a large role requires directors to understand the true concept of the story, understand the psychological state of the environment and the people involved production, and also to understand how to establish a good relationship with all involved in the production. Like the human body, the director is his brain, and the other is the entire of limbs. The brain require the limbs to realize the idea, the agency requires the brain to control.

Duties Director

According to the talented director, Harry Suharyadi, the duties of a director is to translate or interpret a scenario in the form of image / picture and sound life. In general, a director does not hold as a producer, although in America quite a lot of directors who are also producers like Kevin Costner multiple times concurrently director and producer.
In general, any form of audio-visual production is always divided into three stages, namely:
1) pre-production,
2) the production or shooting,

3) postproduction.

Duties the director is in the production phase. But that does not mean the director does not need to know the aspects of preproduction and post-production. Preproduction understanding would prevent arrogance and excessive demands on equipment and production supporting aspects which incidentally is the task of preproduction team. For example, the director is not too demanding provided actor whose incomes expensive when he realized that the accounting team not budgeted excess funds to honor the cast. Postproduction understanding would prevent the director instruct shooting with composition or enggel impossible that these connections made by the editor.

I hope you  get some information in this post. Ok that's all from me, thanks for the attention see you next time in my post..

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